Woven by Grace: Weekend Adventures: Sweet Serendipity
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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Weekend Adventures: Sweet Serendipity

This weekend we had the beautiful privilege of being a part of a wedding and spending some great quality time together! I love weekends like this, because something always seems to catch me by surprise. Mike officiated the wedding! He looked handsome as ever (I could be biased) and the ceremony was stunning. Though only 3 hours away from home we found ourselves adventuring to an evening trip to the beach and at the Air force Base I grew up on as a child...how serendipitous (I think that's right..). We watched Kai explore the fighter jets and run aimlessly in the fields finding all sorts of nature.

My favorite part of the weekend was meeting a photographer and his wife who were enjoying the beach with one of their grandchildren (who made a nice appearance in our family photo ha!). He had been a professional photographer for over 47 years from capturing models to politicians, it was quite fascinating. Of course he didn't mind capturing a few photos of us and Kai; while sharing how his daughter and son-in-law had quit their prestigious jobs to run a nonprofit where they feed and clothe the homeless...because God told them to. He shared how it has been going and how now even his sister was coming down from Texas to help. Much has been happening in my own life lately, I've reserved sharing exact details here simply because I'm scared. With all great changes there is fear. After saying goodbye to our new friends, I looked at Mike who always knows how to read my heart in moments like these. He simply reminded me that nothing is out of coincidence. To say our veteran photographer wasn't sent just to encourage me that we are headed in the right direction would be far from the truth, at least I would like to think so.

Sometimes when we feel like we're aimlessly walking towards what we believe is our purpose we lose sight of why we started down the path in the first place or become paralyzed in our steps by fear of it being the wrong direction. Oh serendipity...you nudge me along.


  1. i LOVE experiences like this. the sweetest tender mercies to let us know that the good Lord above is mindful of us and nudging us along.

  2. Excellent! You, as many of us, require many hints like this to confirm the steps going forward. My prayers have always been and will continue to be that God blessed you abundantly and provides courage and strength along the way. He has set the steps for you, and He has already gone ahead of you to prepare the way. Love you guys.
