Woven by Grace: Maximizing Our Weekend
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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Maximizing Our Weekend

This weekend was a nice change of pace. I often complain about "not having time," and so I decided to make a few changes. It's been on my heart to cut out things that I don't have to do or have been in the habit of doing lately...one of them being on my phone. I know if you're anything like me it's just comfortable. You're not doing anything - check your phone, you're not engaged in a conversation - check your phone, you don't feel "entertained" - check your phone. It's gotten out of hand (my husband would be clapping his hands at this moment), but though it isn't with any ill intentions I've just been used to it. However, since trying to juggle more things and the fact that little man is growing so much and so fast, I've been feeling "left behind" and "never having enough time" with him or my family...but truthfully I have time - it's just used elsewhere.

Don't get me wrong, I don't see the issue with being on your phone and practically as I move into blogging more and growing the shop it's become a part of my routine...but as the saying goes:

All things are good in moderation...the key word being moderation.

So I monitored my time Friday evening to this afternoon (Sunday) after church. I kept my phone usage (social media mainly) to 20-30 minutes total for the day, only getting on when little man was taking a nap or hubs and I agreed it was okay to just chill for a while. It was hard yesterday at times, I found myself picking up my phone and putting it back down reminding myself to make use of my time. I couldn't tell you the difference it made. From playing more to making THREE new cup designs, made that scarf (coming soon), and updating my shop (shameless plug haha). Even just the quality time I spent with my husband and son eased a lot of my "working mother's guilt." I felt like I gained an extra 2 hours at least to my day which is HUGE for me since I work 8 hours during the week and only have 3.5 hours max before bedtime. It helped that our weekend wasn't packed with a lot of obligations so I really got to notice the time spent during the evening. I haven't played this hard with lovebug in quite some time (my out of shape body reminded me!) and he absolutely noticed. I wasn't "tired" and ready to put him to bed or irritable that so much had to be done...it all got done.

Looking back at the weekend this was needed, for all of us. In blogging, running a shop, and just connecting most times I forget I've got a life I'm already connected to and I want to stay connected to. Do you feel like that? I love social media and in no way am I bashing the great things it does, I just realized I have the time already to enjoy what I have so there isn't any reason why I should be misusing it.

I can't say that every day will feel like this weekend, but I know I just don't want to "post" about my goals/dreams, but the reality of them is they aren't really happening. This is why I shared the pictures of us today. I love them, because they're us. I don't style our clothes, in fact my husband is our stylist. My house has toys everywhere and two dogs that act like they pay the bills, so it's anything less than picture worthy...which I have to watch myself even in building the blog in keeping it true to who I am and not being worried about what it "looks like."

 My husband loves to goof in pictures and I rarely can get a great one of us...but these photos remind me of a great weekend because I was a part of it and didn't miss a thing.

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