2. It's not that serious: Don't focus on the small stuff, because it really is just small stuff.
3. Every moment is precious: Everything truly only happens once. When we least expect it is when the extraordinary happens or at least the one thing you can't capture on camera.
4. Be inquisitive: Even if it gets you in trouble..which leads to #5
5. Kisses fix everything: Kai has become infamous for giving a kiss every time he gets into something he shouldn't...and I wouldn't change that.
6. Size doesn't matter: Although he was born on the cusp of 7lbs, he doesn't need to be a chunky monkey to make his presence known... and neither do I in any aspect of my life. Though it's so easy to focus on BIGGER is BETTER, most times the most influential people in your life never had to tell you they were influencing you.
8. EXPLORE: Make a mess, you can clean it up later. Go discover something new. No one ever made a difference staying safe.
9. Take Risks! We only have one life, make the most of it. The worst that can happen is someone will say "no" and then go to plan B...which is the same as plan A.
10. Don't hold a grudge: Staying angry takes up too much time that could be spent enjoying one another. Kai has the gift of moving on quickly...I hope I can do the same as I get older.
11. Be Vulnerable: What other way is there to be?
12. Enjoy being YOU: We all have quoted something in life about embracing who we are, but often forget no one else can be YOU. There is only one Kai and no matter where we are he always creates his own niche. Never once follows or backs down.
14. Allow yourself to be happy: It truly is a choice.
15. Know what you want: Kai wakes up every morning saying yum-yum - translation "Time to EAT." When you figure out how to express yourself, don't hold back whether it's through writing, speaking, or Morse Code - tell em' what you need!
16. Ask for Help: Kai makes this one look effortless... He always knows his safe place, I've become much more reliable as a person because he makes me remember if I don't do it who will? (I still forget many things though...)
17. Parenting is a TEAM EFFORT: Though Kai finds great comfort in my arms, he daily reminds me just how important my husband is to him and especially to me. Even as a single parent your child knows where the support comes from. Embrace them and let them know.
Finally, Number 18. Be Proud of Yourself: Kai claps for everything. Brushing his teeth, picking up a toy, eating from a spoon... in the simplest of things he finds a reason to be proud of his accomplishments. It's caused me to praise him that much more and myself. Sure there are other 18 month old kids on the potty or using sign language, but why compare when I can be proud of what MY SON is doing. Compare less and Praise more. I'm much happier that way.
Sweet Kai I'm so proud of you and all that you continue to teach me and your dad. I never realized how much I needed you to grow me as a person and to give me the drive I needed to do and be better. Words will never tell you how I will give my life for you or do anything for you to be who God wants you to be. I love you...we love you.
Mommy & Daddy
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