Woven by Grace: Becoming 30! [part two]
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Friday, August 12, 2016

Becoming 30! [part two]

Thank you so much as turning 30 feels like it has been my best birthday yet! From time with my family to the tons of love from friends it was such an awesome time and still is continuing. For the last few days it's been really important for me to accept that I need to be intentional this year. There are so many things in my heart and mind, I try to complete too much too soon. So I've set three all year goals, and I'd love to share them:
  1. Consistently blog for 2016-2017
  2. Develop a small group experience for moms of littles and use this platform as well for that.
  3. Attend a blogging conference. 
Though I have more these are my main ones for year 30, and I cannot wait to really accomplish them. As often as I read about being goal oriented and making list, I do see the value in not just creating them - BUT really completing them. So that's the main goal, to check these things off. What is a goal you hope to complete in a year? I'd love to know!

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