Woven by Grace: Think Outside the Box
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Think Outside the Box

"I took the road less traveled...and it has made all the difference."

I started to journal again and I didn't realize how much I needed it. Over the weekend I took some time to really sit, pray, and think about realistic goals: mainly in the direction of A Blue Swallow. Truth is I think a hundred things during the day and I have great plans, but I just don't always write them down...because it makes it concrete and keeps me accountable. So I sat and wrote down my goals, hopes, and even dreams for the blog and the shop. Created an actual vision and direction that I want to go. Covered it in prayer and really reflected on some hard decisions I've made even this month and the decisions I need to make to better this vision.

Tonight I sat with Mike, more like he sat with me...because I'm not the best communicator even with things I hold dear to my heart (probably even worse when it comes to matters of the heart). He openly and sincerely asked me where is A Blue Swallow headed? What am I doing? I did respond with a side eye, but I digress. Mike has seen the long hours I've spent reading up on blogging and learning how to shape/create my own niche. The time spent painting and designing new cups along with the crinkling of paper and slew of supplies that has covered our kitchen table many times...where is it all headed? When I started this endeavor I had shared my heart, but kept it wrapped very tightly for fear of him "not understanding" which really was a lie, because he has been my biggest supporter. 

So we sat and really looked at profit, advertisements, money spent out of impulse/fear, and talked like people discussing a potentially budding business endeavor. Sure I initially rolled my eyes and felt stupid for letting fear have me spend that extra money I should have saved as a cushion, but I knew this talk was needed. Any great endeavor needs someone to sit you down and be honest and open with you. Ask you where and why you're making your decisions and do you even see the light at the end of the tunnel. He told me to start thinking outside of the box and be more strategic...stop confining the walls of A Blue Swallow to a blog, shop, and social media. Let it grow and include those you love along the way. Which is completely against my nature, because I am an introvert. But he spoke wisdom.

This endeavor scares me...quite frankly I'm terrified it will just be another phase - because I'm a mom I decided to be a mommy blogger, or because I can craft I am a craft blogger/small business owner. When honestly that's not what makes up my being at all. 

I am a wife and mother who truly believes that there is power in encouragement and gifts in the words we speak to others and advice that we share. I desire to be a platform for others that want to live out their passions and help be a rung in their ladder as they too achieve their dreams. I love small business, because it's unique and a breath of fresh air...and truthfully it takes guts to spend money with no returns when you start. I am okay with A Blue Swallow not being one thing, but a mixed up myriad of wonderful things that allow us to connect and encourage one another to be something better than we were yesterday - whether that's a better parent, business owner, crafter, or friend. 

Welcome to A Blue Swallow 2014.

Thanks babe.

1 comment:

  1. This is so very much where I am at right now. I've been praying a lot, asking for clarity, vision and to be a good steward over my time, because, truthfully, I am many other things before I am a crafter, blogger, seamstress, etc.
