Woven by Grace: Motherhood: Raw, Honest, and Beautiful
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Monday, January 9, 2017

Motherhood: Raw, Honest, and Beautiful

When I originally took this photo Titus was almost two months, it was really to poke fun of myself. One of those "look what I've become," moments haha - a human cow and a foot rest. I sent it to my sister and mom, I knew we could all get a good laugh. I didn't post it because people get sensitive about revealed nipples and I get sensitive because I know they're the size of oranges... 

Despite the fact that I noticed that I look incredibly annoyed (slightly if you see how Kai was on the verge of choking me), I was actually really content. If you've been in the motherhood game for some time, even for a few months - these moments are like gold. I was terrified with having TWO kids. And the pull of not giving "enough" love and attention to each weighed heavy on my heart. But in this moment it was happening. With my lack of sleep and completely undone self, they were both content...and so was I.


This is what I love about motherhood and being real with other moms. My best moments are my least photogenic, because my heart is so full.... I could care less about what I look like. My kids remind me daily how their needs are met and their hearts are just as full if not more. Yes even with the yelling, tantrums, and craziness it's a raw and honest beauty I've never known until they came into my life. I love the reality that motherhood brings, and when we spread it around we all benefit...good, ugly, and indifferent. 

I enjoy looking through the hashtag realmoms on Instagram. It's like a treasure trove of all of us just enjoying our lives a little less styled and a lot more lived in and loved. 

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