I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off...what's new? Where did September go? I mean seriously time is not slowing down...but it really is the best time of year.
I snuck out early this morning to walk the dogs while hubs and baby were fast asleep (note to do this more often). It was nice. I just breathed in the crisp cold air and watched the high schoolers get on their buses. I haven't had much time to just "be" so this was a really good start. Do you feel like that sometimes? I'm an introvert at heart so being and doing and going exhaust me after some time. From working a full day (and simultaneously working on blog posts, ideas, and focusing on what's infront of me) to jumping right into the best part of my day - family time. Then after little one falls asleep I'm up working on orders and posts! So lately bedtime has been 1-2am.
I'm not old...but pulling regular "all-nighters" was for my undergrad years. I've been running low on fuel so this morning was much needed. Did I mention I went outside in my plaid pj pants and an old sweater? Yeah...fashion don't haha. Good thing it was 6AM!
So did I share that in all of this I'm really happy it's fall and I've been making caramel apples, put up a new wreath, and bought the cool glitter pumpkins from Target (they were too cute to pass up).
And with it being fall I'm working my little hands on new things...let's just hope I can work fast enough!
What are your ways to get into the season?
Hi Veronica thank you so much!!