Woven by Grace: Marriage & Ministry: Five Years of Prayers
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Monday, July 25, 2016

Marriage & Ministry: Five Years of Prayers

Though God has blessed me to be able to serve in ministry since I was 11 years old (I've just always loved it), there is nothing like quite seeing answered prayers. As unexpected as it was to be in the position that we are in now, this past weekend we had the chance to really see something come to pass that we've only talked about and prayed for.

Youth ministry is not for the weak...seriously. When you think you've learned something or you've gotten a good grip on how to handle situations, curve balls come flying your way. We've had tough seasons, lonely seasons, confusing seasons, angry seasons, you name it - we've felt it. The joy of pouring into someone's life and truly desiring the absolute best most certainly overshadows those times, but it doesn't diminish them by any means. Transitions go hand in hand with ministry, which is difficult because the backbone of youth ministry is consistency. Having the same faces commit to seeing the growth and change in a young person's life is hard to find.

This past weekend we held or first student ministry's staff retreat. We were able to talk, pray, laugh, and grow on such an intimate level. Mike and I have prayed for this moment, when it seemed like we were the wrong fit, the worst choice, this was that huge glimmer of hope. That reminder of God's promise to us that we only need to stay obedient and trust that we are where we should be. That we don't need to chase and hunt people down, He will send the right people in His timing. 

I'm so grateful to share this time with those people in that picture. They are our friends that are more like family. They love our kids and we adore theirs. We believe in their dreams and can't thank God enough for their genuine friendships. It was a great weekend, one that I want to make sure I keep close on those nights when I feel God chose the wrong person for this place and these students... He has this, and He hasn't forgotten me yet.

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