Woven by Grace: Less is More
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Less is More

This past weekend was full of house projects! I guess when you're home for five days you finally rearrange and clean your home. It was definitely needed. We even changed up Kai's room (pictures to come). 

I used to have a craft room and I loved it, but it was always a disaster. I mean in the creative process I don't have time to clean (it's a terrible lie), but my main excuse for keeping the door shut on a regular basis. So in coming to grips that we could better utilize the space, Mike created this new craft space for me! About 4/5 trash bags later (I'm such a hoarder), a trip to Target and Ikea, and lots of organizing it's here. I am enamored with the space and more so with the fact it looks like it's always belonged. 

The desk I had gotten from a yard sale, the rack is actually a headboard from IKEA, and different things I've picked up over time. But the best part is my chair...

This chair is an actual antique Singer sewing chair (with original tags) that was reupholstered and gifted to me for Christmas from one of my best friends Regina. The top of the seat comes off for extra storage as well. This chair is stunning and I hope to pass it to my daughter one day.

In my case as a secret hoarder, less is more. When Mike and I got married our apartment was completely full of my stuff and he only had a rack full of clothes! But this space probably means so much to me, simply because Mike has been saving pictures from Pinterest to create it... 

1 comment:

  1. This space is absolute perfection! And how utterly special that your husband created it with you in mind. What a guy!! Enjoy creating!! :)
