Woven by Grace: It's almost a year.
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Friday, July 12, 2013

It's almost a year.


I'm going to be realistic and say though I hope to become more consistent with my posts...I probably won't be for right now (so bear with me reader). However, I haven't just been sitting around not wanting to blog, it really is busy around here! Okay enough with the ranting and randomness...
It's almost been a year since my life changed. Since I wanted to quit my job and stay home and forsake any type of career path for at least the next five years. It's almost been a year since I heard his first cries and saw his jet black hair (something like a toupee honestly) and couldn't believe that God had blessed us with such a great responsibility. My little rambunctious, getting into everything, trying to conquer the world, and still cuddle at night time sweet boy will be one years old next month. Time is flying and I wish I could slow it down...

I wish I could steal one more kiss when he wasn't moving nearly as much as now or stare at him while he slept peacefully in my arms. But to see him now exploring, discovering, and soaking up life I can't help but love this little sponge as he does what he does best...learn. I love watching his reactions whether good or bad, or even how now he has learned how to get a reaction out of me. But none the less this year is coming to an end and simultaneously to a new beginning. What was that you asked...have I planned his birthday. OH INDEED I have!

So this is where the fun posts of ideas and status updates as I lose sleep over the BIG plans I have for his party!!

Just think Yo Gabba Gabba goes Nautical :)

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