Woven by Grace: Mommyhood: One of those days..
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Friday, September 6, 2013

Mommyhood: One of those days..

That a girl goes through... I'm pretty sure whenever those first few words are said you automatically think of that Monica song. Well it really does feel like one of those days, even more so one of those weeks. The week where your kid gets sick with some random virus you hear nothing but horror stories about. The kind of week where you spend any and all profit from your tinsy tiny business at the Post Office (over $10.00 for a package...really?) The kind of week where you have no leave, but you have to take off anyways. Yeah that type of week, day, moment, what ever you want to call it - it's happening and not stopping.
As much as I want to get cranky and honestly I am a bit cranky and sleep deprived and tired, some really great things have happened this week; one of them being consistent prayer. It's difficult for me to not want to close my eyes and sleep when it's time to pray, because I'm just really tired. I could come up with a thousand excuses, but honestly they really don't mean much, because prayer and reading my Bible should be priorities and are (when I'm not excusing myself from them...). Either way, even if that isn't what you do to center yourself, being positive or thinking positive may be your thing. The fact is you make time for it. And this week I have, and it's made such a wonderful difference, despite how crappy I feel today. Your priorities are everything and they really do say quite a bit about you. What's on your mind, what you most talk about, and what your ultimate life goals give someone a glimpse into who you are and what you're about... But I digress, that could be a whole other post in itself!
I say all of that to really say in having time in prayer, I've been able to refocus and keep things in perspective today. Sure my phone cracked and I didn't buy insurance. Or that I'm bummed about not really selling or having much time to make new things for my shop. BUT despite the screams of my baby boy while he isn't feeling his best and my house in disarray, I'm at peace (that doesn't mean I still don't feel like pulling the little hair I have out). It really just means, this too shall pass.
So mom of one or mom of three out there I will say the same to you... this too shall pass. It doesn't always feel like it (cause I feel like this week was one for the books)...but it does get better. You know once you see your little one smile or someone thanks you for something you didn't even realize made them smile, you remember it's not that bad. It's all in our perspective right?
So I'm going to finish that guest blog post and put together that package to ship off tomorrow, because I don't want this to overshadow the great things going on...because there really are some great things happening.

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